Do You Have an Impediment to “Retiring?”

Nov 14, 2020

Transition Details - Sierra Nevada, 2017

There May Be Obstacles That Are Not Financial

There are several, major matters that are important to consider as you think about and plan your  End of Career Transition TM  .

One is whether or not you are financially prepared.

There can be many reasons for not being financially prepared. Sometimes, it is for reasons beyond your control. This is a clear barrier to supporting the lifestyle you dream of. 

Two common, practical solutions are adjusting your financial, lifestyle plans, or perhaps both.

When it becomes evident that you are not financially ready, your attention can be very focused on solving that particular problem.

Whether finances may or may not be a concern for you, there are other matters that are important to think about and work through.

In the course of consulting and coaching professionals, I find that the impediment to taking action to plan and end their career is often not due to a lack of financial resources.

There is More to Prepare for Than Financial Planning

There are certain obstacles to ending your career voluntarily that have virtually nothing to do with financial matters.

Three common concerns often seem to take a backseat to financial matters. This is understandable, yet they are critically important and should not be ignored. I have previously written about two of these. I pose two of them in the form of a question I am often asked:

  •  What will happen to my identity?
  •  Will I be relevant anymore?

One article is written to help you develop clarity about your identity as it relates to this next great phase of your life.

The other discusses an individual’s internal and external sources of relevance. Specifically, how this is related to your perspective on identity and the end of your career.

These are common concerns, and for some, even stressful worries. This can cause you to hit the pause button on the whole idea of ending your career.

There is yet a third hurdle in this triad of topics.

The Third Element of the Triad

  • How?

The “how to do it” question inevitably leads to more questions.

Indeed, there is a world of things to wonder about…and resolve.

These are three common initial questions:

When should I begin to prepare?

What do I need to do to prepare?

In what order?

It is at this point in time that you may determine that you need a set of plans.

Your Plans, Your Life

The creation of your plan embodies questions that are common as well as those that are unique to your situation. It provides the system to develop solutions and alternatives that are executed in a sequential timeline.

The value of creating a customized set of plans is that it provides a framework that illuminates the path you are about to undertake. Planning minimizes confusion, stress and optimizes results.

It is about creating and executing plans that will provide an actionable structure to achieve a successful Transition. This will be a major life experience replete with challenges and rewards.

Indeed, there is a methodology to create a process to achieve a smooth Transition.

I refer to it as the End of Career Transition Plan TM

This is your roadmap to follow as you undertake the process of ending your career and arriving at your destination: you actual end date.

Your Transition is a process, not an event. It has a beginning, a middle and then your lifetime beyond your end of career.

So it is that you will greatly benefit from designing a different plan for how to live the life you have aspired to after your end of career.

I refer to it as the Post Career Lifestyle Plan TM  .

The Aftermath: Dreams Flourish Into Reality

My personal experience and that of others I have guided through this process, as well as deep study into this matter, has made some ideas very clear to me:

This is a challenging time, yet it is replete with opportunities and rewards.

The concerns and stresses are often palpable, sometimes not.

 The reward of your dreams is to live what you dreamed of.

These feelings are integral to our humanity.

They are all real.

This is you season to Reflect. Reenergize. Renew. TM   

It is your time to thrive yet again, your way.

My best wishes to you and your family!

PS: Do you want to learn more from me about how to create and experience a fulfilling end of career Transition? To help you, I provide consulting services tailored to your specific needs. Click here to apply for a complimentary strategy session.

Transition and Aspirations - Colorado, 2013

© Enrique Fernandez, M. D.


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