End of Career: Joy of Anticipation or Unease?

Apr 24, 2021
End of Career: Joy of Anticipation or Unease?

Tranquil Vista - Idaho, 2004

The Personal Impact of Perceiving Your End of Career as “Retirement" or Transition


There are many individuals for whom their end of career is an event they look forward to. For many, however, that is not the case. 

My Experience

I have witnessed both attitudes, as well as a blend of both, in the course of consulting and coaching other professionals.

I have learned from them, as well as my own successful Transition.

The Human Experience

The End of Career Transition, that many refer to as “retirement,” is a process that can be shrouded in anxiety as it looms ahead. Here are significant reasons why:

  • Highly accomplished individuals from virtually all walks of life have a strong tendency to describe themselves by their vocation or profession. 
  • Individuals often do not clearly distinguish the difference between their internal identity and professional, public persona. 
  • Extreme focus on career to the detriment of personal development over a lifetime. 
  • In addition to individual perceptions, there is a strong cultural tendency to describe persons by career role.  
  • Whether you feel joyful or apprehensive, not knowing how to prepare for your End of Career.

Good News to Make the Most of Your Transition

The End of Career Transition is a process, not an event. It actually begins when you begin to think about that future event, usually years in advance. 

The purpose of this Transition is for you to experience renewal and fulfillment.

The good news is that now you can prepare and create a positive Transition that resonates within you and your loves ones.

So, reach for preparation well in advance. As you do so, know that you have it within you to create a future lifestyle born of the dreams you are dreaming today.

PS: Do you want to learn more from me about how to create and experience a fulfilling end of career Transition? To help you, I provide consulting services tailored to your specific needs. Click here to apply for a complimentary strategy session.

Gleaming VisionCook's Inlet, Alaska - 2008

© Enrique Fernandez, M. D.


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