Crisis, Character and Leadership

Jul 09, 2022

Encounter with Destiny - 2010

Rendezvous Mountain

Bridger - Teton National Forest, WY

 Character, Purpose and Leadership

Great, existential challenges have a remarkable way of stimulating different reactions from individuals who have diverse temperaments and personalities. These responses can range from cowering fear to towering bravery. The latter is witnessed in men known for their genuine boldness as well those who have been perceived as quietly meek. 

It is this seemingly outward meekness that is sometimes misunderstood for a quiet, steadfast resolve. 

Who Are These Leaders?

Exemplary leaders may be found at a humble home, small and large businesses, hospitals, churches and government bodies. The list is virtually endless. 

Some have a long record of leadership service; others seem to arise out of nowhere to meet the challenge they are confronted with. Perhaps you, as I, have witnessed these behaviors of individuals in the face of crisis:

  • The usually, boldly verbose remain uncharacteristically quiet.
  • The quiet man who comes forth confidently from the shadows where he resides in tranquility…he emerges to rise to the occasion.
  • The serene individual who habitually listens and hears his character guide him to the true North of his life. The challenges he conquers that are the venue for validating himself to his core being.

Usually, it is that caliber of character that motivates such leaders to serve not themselves, but the best interests of others.

As you read this, you can probably recognize who they are. 

There are times when the “quiet man” serves as the example to rise up and serve the needs of the moment.

Beyond Rare Crises, How Does Leadership Develop?

Virtually anyone has the potential to become a leader. There is no requirement that you be a “born leader,” the existence of which is doubtful. Nor must you be chosen by appointment or be elected to public office. It certainly should not be an endowment. 

You can choose to lead and become a leader.

 Leadership skills are acquired through a developmental process that may occur through deliberate education, experiencing life’s challenges and frequently both. The latter, especially, are the circumstances that instruct us as to the value of facts, the ongoing development of character and particularly, good judgment. 

The characteristics of great leaders are many. Some can be readily described. Others, not so much so; these are more nuanced.  They can often be seen to reflect the style of leadership which adapts in response to the needs of the moment.

Key leadership skills are few but essential. They are:

  • The exercise of principled leadership that stems from your character.

  • The ability to create a vision and communicate it clearly. 

  •  The practice of demonstrating care and respect for those you lead.

  • The demonstration of resolute devotion to a just cause.
  • The commitment and practice of helping develop aspiring leaders.
  • The confidence to “make room” for emerging leaders to truly develop their skills.

These are critical traits that are manifested as purposeful, resolute leadership. 

Whether you are an experienced leader or new to the role, leadership originates and endures from the fountain of your character.

What Are the Characteristics of Exemplary Character?

Exemplary character is evident in an individual who knows Who he is and his life’s purpose. He remains true to Who he is and his purpose in life. 

A true leader does not need a dictionary to learn the meaning of integrity. 

Integrity and commitment to a just cause are the foundation of the courage necessary to motivate a leader to serve. It requires courage to sacrifice and elevate oneself to meet the challenge of a noble, grand purpose. 

So it is that exceptional leaders, at their core, instinctively serve the best interests of those they lead. At times, without knowing it, they will also serve others they will never meet who will benefit from their efforts and goodwill.

A Pearl of Wisdom Born of Endurance

I once had the privilege of being introduced the writings of Dr. Viktor E. Frankl. He was a psychiatrist who practiced in Vienna until the early days of World War II. It was then that he and his family were imprisoned in a concentration camp. He survived and resumed his practice. Later, he expressed the essence of his experience, how he responded and endured it in his memorable book: Man’s Search for Meaning.  I honor him by quoting from it:

“…it did not really matter what we expected from life, but rather what life expected from us.”

“Life ultimately means taking the responsibility to find the right answer to its problems and to fulfill the tasks which it constantly sets for each individual.”

My Encouragement to You

The philosophical and practical principles that are the basis for success in your life as you lead yourself through it, are that you have:

 Clarity. Conviction. Courage.

That is: clarity of identity, conviction of purpose and the courage to express it.

There is personal affirmation, renewal and reward in knowing that you have the ability to lead and that you are true to that potential. This may occur as a new experience or as an evolving leader.

Look and you will find the leader within you that responds with purposeful action. 

A worthy response to a noble cause is leadership of yourself and others. You will find it where authentic leadership originates: within yourself!

Updated: July 9, 2022

PS: Would you like to learn more from me about how to develop your personal and professional leadership skills? To help you, I provide consulting and coaching services tailored to your specific needs. Click here to learn more about this.

Mt. Moran and the Teton Range - 2008

Grand Teton National Park, WY 





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