End of Career: Your Outlook and Outcome

Nov 12, 2022

Factors That Can Affect Your Perspective

It's common for physicians to look forward to their End of Career Transition. Yet, some don’t look forward to it for a variety of reasons. They share a degree of apprehension born of many concerns that coexist with their positive aspirations.

I know physicians that have one or the other perspective. However, more commonly, they experience a blend of both. As I reflect on my personal experience, understanding of human nature as well as that of the transition process, it's not surprising.

However positive the outlook, besides financial and other questions, there are usually other preoccupations that need to be resolved. These questions and answers reside within you and it's up to you to identify and answer them. You will benefit, as doing so will help you achieve your renewal and fulfillment that is the essential purpose of a successful transition.

The Personal Experience

The End of Career Transition is not an event. It's a process that can be shrouded in anxiety that emerges from factors external to you. However, some arise from within. They are personal and professional concerns that are commonly experienced, yet often unspoken, as the end date looms ahead. Here are some significant personal reasons:

  • Individuals sometimes do not clearly distinguish the difference between their internal identity and professional, public persona. In the course of a long, professional career, there may develop a morphing of these two entities. This can be beneficial during your career. Confidence in your role is an essential element that favors the accomplishment of great things… and sometimes make them look easy. However, this can be detrimental as you approach the end of your career.
  • Highly accomplished individuals from virtually all walks of life have a strong tendency to describe themselves by their vocation or profession. Consequently, when you foresee it coming to an end, you may naturally begin to question what will be your identity and whether you will feel relevant. So it is, that preoccupation and anxiety over this can begin long before the actual end date. It may even become an impediment to your career transition.
  • Extreme focus on career to the detriment of personal development over a lifetime. One consequence of this imbalance is not fulfilling your potential, which can inhibit a fuller expression of your character, Who you are. As a result, the more you describe your identity by your professional or vocational persona, the more it inhibits your ability to achieve your full potential and purpose in life. The result is a restricted view of yourself as you prepare now and how you can express yourself after your End of Career.
  • Strong cultural tendency to describe persons by career role.  This strongly reinforces personal perceptions. As an example, think about the first question you have probably been asked by someone you were just introduced to. Was it about yourself as a person or the type of work you do?

Another Factor

Yet another factor that is a significant source of concern, whether you feel joyful or apprehensive, is not knowing how to prepare for your End of Career. This is understandable. This is a completely new experience for which typically, individuals have not trained. Indeed, in the past, there has been little in the way of a comprehensive approach to prepare for your End of Career Transition.

Good News to Make the Most of Your Transition

Your End of Career Transition is a process, not an event. It actually begins when you begin to think about that future event, usually years in advance. 

A major purpose of your transition is to experience renewal and fulfillment.

The good news is that you can prepare and create a transition that resonates positively within you and your loves ones.

Reach for preparation well in advance. As you do so, know that you have it within you to create a future lifestyle born of the dreams you are dreaming today.

Plan. Prepare. Prosper. TM 

My best wishes to you and your family!

PS: By the way, do you want to learn more from me about how to create a positive End of Career Transition and a fulfilling life beyond? I would like to help you. I provide consulting and coaching services that are tailored to your specific needs. Click here to apply for an introductory conversation.

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