How Avoiding the Language of Hurry Promotes Tranquility

Mar 21, 2020

Manifest Magnificence - Madison River, Yellowstone N.P.

Words That Convey Unnecessary Haste Are Often Villains of Our Language

Among the various common human desires, tranquility is one that promotes a joyful, healthy life experience. It fosters a fuller, more peaceful life as well as your personal development.

If you pause and feel your state of mind and the rate of your heartbeat, you will likely recognize that the days of your life seem to pass really fast. At that moment, you will probably be more aware how beneficial it is to increase our daily dosage of serenity. I know this to be true.

In the course of time, I have become increasingly aware of the impact that careless language can have on our tranquility. More than that, it is detrimental to the equanimity that is essential to calmly conquer the challenges of everyday life. It is counterproductive to your efforts to perform your tasks with excellence.

New Languages and Lessons

I learned Spanish in my native Cuba and English after emigrating to the United States at the age of ten. I studied Latin and French at high school and the latter at college as well. When computer based language learning came along, I was fascinated by Italian.

My cultural and language experiences have influenced my tendency to be inquisitive about our use of language.  It is evident to me that it can help or hinder our ability to overcome life’s challenges. Here is some of what I have learned.

Complex Problems and Their Fundamental Elements

There are often times when complex problems seem impossible to solve. It is then that it is very beneficial to pause and dissect the problem into its individual components. This will enable you to solve each element in a particular sequence. Each success will provide a foundation to additional successes.

Here, the complex problem is a speed of life that is a chronic, existential threat to your health and wellness. Yet, when you think about this, you will find that one element is the words and phrases we choose. Especially, the words that have an adverse effect on how we feel when we use them.

With that in mind, remember that in the course of solving problems, it is practical and beneficial to begin with the elements that are the easiest to solve. Often, those are the ones over which you have direct control. Not only the words you choose in a given circumstance but also how you speak them.

Living With Your Comfortable Heartbeat

In the course of my life’s experience as well as consulting with and coaching clients, I find that the way we speak can be beneficial or detrimental to our lives’ experience. This includes the development of our leadership skills.

A hurried, pressured way of speaking whether in a crisis or not is counterproductive. It is during a crisis when a calm demeanor and clear, concise speech is essential.

On the other hand, in the absence of a crisis, rushed speech is simply unnecessary.

You have the power to choose your words, phrases and language. You can modulate its use to enhance your sense of tranquility and promote it to others.

How can you exercise that power?

  • Choose your words carefully and avoid those that are villains to your calmness.
  • Speak more slowly so as to hear yourself enunciate the words you choose to speak; others will hear you better and understand clearly.

I encourage you to direct your efforts and discipline in a deliberate, purposeful manner. This is the key factor needed to succeed at excellent speech performance. For that matter, it is the fundamental principle to high achievement in general.

Start by using your ability to hear yourself as you speak. Be observant of how it affects those you are speaking to.

Consider the implications of common words and phrases that you speak and hear during everyday life in our culture.

Words and Phrases That are Candidates for Elimination

These are common words and phrases that you probably have heard and that you may have spoken in the past.

I encourage you to read the following phrases quickly, quietly.  Then, do so out loud. Pay attention to how you feel as you hear your own words. Consider how those same words may affect other people.

For instance, there may be an urgent reason to say “hurry,” but is that always the case? And if you do use that word when there is no need to, how would you accurately convey urgency to others in times of crisis?

To help you get started, please consider the following common phrases and fill in the blanks as needed:

"___ just a second ___"

"___ just a minute ___"

“___ real quick ___"

"___ gulp it down ___”

"___ pressed for time ___"

Feel free to add your own. I can assure you there are many more.

Then, create your own alternative vocabulary. Pay attention to how you feel…and smile!

As you develop this habit and nurture it, you will likely feel the development of an omnipresent sense of calmness. More than that, you will probably experience an awesome feeling of composure and equanimity during challenging times.

The calmness that you feel is a quality that you will undoubtedly project onto others around you. It will enhance the quality of your leadership as well as the nature of your relationship with them.

Think of the pace of your daily life as something that you can regulate. Consider a metaphorical metronome; the tempo of your life is for you to control.  You can set the pace of ticks per minute to suit your needs…and your heart will undoubtedly thank you for it!


Cook’s Inlet, Kenai Peninsula - Alaska

© Enrique Fernandez, M. D.


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