Leading Toward the Future by Stepping Aside

Oct 31, 2020

Towering Cornerstone

Mt. Moran, Grand Teton N. P. , 2010

The Role of Leader: the Beginning and the End

It is natural and therefore common to ascribe exceptional leadership skills to a visionary leader who has visibly manifested those attributes in the course of actively leading. Usually, the role of leader has occurred over a prolonged period of time and those qualities have been witnessed repeatedly.

 Usually, such a leader has had a significant positive impact on the organization and its members.

 In particular, he probably  has had a respectable influence on the development of younger, emerging leaders.

 To Do or Not To Do

I believe that in matters of leadership, as in so many areas of life, what we determine we should not do can be as important and sometimes more impactful, than what we choose to do.

The key to achieving a constructive outcome, is the rationale and the implementation of such decisions.

That rationale, in turn, most nobly originates when it is preeminently based on the best interests of the organization one leads.

Visible or Invisible?

It is self evident that the overt, plain to see, actions of a leader are those we tend to judge him by.

What is far less clear are the actions not taken. These are often the most difficult ones to discern and therefore base our judgments on.

Perceived Inaction as Action

Decisions that lead to action may be difficult.

It is the thoughtful decision that is perceived as inaction that is usually much more demanding of the selfless leader. It requires much more of the usual dose of discernment, wisdom and courage.

Paradoxically, inaction can be a powerful action in and of itself. It has an impact of its own, however invisible to the myopic eye.

Leadership: When to Accept, When to Cede

One such decision is when to thoughtfully end one’s role as a leader in an organization. I do not mean no longer being a leader in one’s own right. I mean the role of leader in a specific situation.

Exceptional leadership is selfless when one takes the initiative of stepping aside, that others may emerge as leaders in their own right.

It is as if the path to leadership development, often of those you have mentored, must now be made clear. It is paved it with your confidence and goodwill toward them.


When viewed from the perspective of the leader, one of the most challenging decisions he will have made is to end the leadership role with which he was entrusted.

On further reflection, it seems that the attributes of leadership never leave you. They evolve and usually find an avenue, a forum for further expression. In so doing, the seasoned leader develops further…and then beyond.

To the end, the reputation that preceded him will usually survive him!

 PS: Would you like to learn more from me about how to develop your personal and professional leadership skills? To help you, I provide consulting and coaching services tailored to your specific needs. Click here to learn more about this.

Manifest Magnificence - Half Dome, Yosemite N. P., 2004

© Enrique Fernandez, M. D.


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