Life After Retirement - How and Where

Aug 08, 2021

Flowing Through the Palette of Life

Yellowstone River and Grand Canyon of Yellowstone

Yellowstone National Park - 2004

To Know How is the Key to Decide Where

There are many questions related to the End of Career Transition that most of us and probably you as well, will need to answer.

Beyond matters related to your practice or business, there are core questions that will determine the nature and quality of your life. They are very personal and are essential for you to answer.

One of those, is Where to live. Most individuals initially and instinctively seek to answer that particular question. It is at the core of the visions they create as they fashion their post career lifestyle.

That is quite natural. However, by focusing narrowly on the Where, you are unlikely to answer it in a way that will optimally fulfill your vision and aspiration.

There is yet another question that is best to explore and answer first.  By doing so, you will more clearly be able to describe not only your future lifestyle, but Where that will take place.

That question is: How do you want to live your life?

Truths That I Know

In my personal experience, as well as from consulting/coaching others, the answer to Where initially seems to be relatively easy. That is, until you realize that the real value lies in knowing How you desire to life your life. In a real sense, by knowing How, you can proceed with a feeling of confidence as you move forward with your plans.

I also know that your future lifestyle is like a blank canvas. One that can express your aspirations but can be challenging to paint, much like deciding among the nuanced shades of colors at your disposal.

The future is hard to predict, but as Professor Albert Einstein stated:

“The best way to predict the future is to create it.”

We may not be accustomed to fashioning a new lifestyle or have forgotten how. After all, for most of us it was a long time ago when we did so the first time, when we decided on our career path.

My Approach

For many years, my future life was and is described by my Post Career Lifestyle Plan. This provides the adaptable blueprint for making the necessary decisions and taking the steps to bring them to reality. The primary objective, of which I remain certain, is to live close to Nature yet have reasonable access to necessary amenities. 

To realize that objective, I also desired to be close to locations that provide some of the essentials of my life: grand rivers to fly fish, majestic landscapes that serve as the object of my photography and hiking that is central to these endeavors.

I planned and did purchase, land that is relatively secluded yet readily accessible throughout the year. In addition to the above criteria, there were three others:

Proximity to a national park, a regional hospital and airport. 

Now that I described some of the How, I will tell you Where:

My property is affectionately known in my family as Fernandez West. It is located in Idaho, about 45 minutes from the west entrance to Yellowstone National Park. A big, big bonus is that it is also about 2 hours from Grand Teton National Park! And…this region abounds with awesome fly-fishing.

In the near future, I plan to build my cabin. In the meantime, I am practicing living in the area for several months.

Presently, my wife Dawn and I, are living in our comfortable travel trailer. I say living because we are acting like we live here, not visiting this great region. I say practicing because in an effort to live the Plan fully, we want to learn as much as possible about living this incredible life.

One element that I consider essential to a peaceful, yet productive life, is to experience the tranquil grandeur of Nature. To relish its wonders and the wonderful way in which it affects me…and can affect you.

For example, this morning, I awakened early. With aromatic coffee, computer and chair in hand, I headed for the woods where I could not see any man-made objects. I wanted to experience the solitude without loneliness that Nature provides me. I proceeded to write this article. Some would call it work, and some might wonder whether being in such a moment is an endeavor or an expression of fulfillment. I don’t wonder, I know.

Your Privilege, Your Freedom

As you approach this time of your life, you will likely find that you have the freedom to choose in a way you have not before. Throughout your career you have fulfilled your decision to serve others. Now, it is time to serve yourself and be comfortable with it. 

That is not to say that by serving your needs and desires the importance of others is minimized. Quite the contrary. It is by being the best expression of yourself that you can live a fuller life experience. In so doing, you will enrich further the lives of your family and friends.

Questions, Questions?

There are myriad of questions that surround and support the question: How? Some are practical, others somewhat philosophical.

I will mention some now and expand on them in a future article. First some practical ones:

  • Will I remain where I live now?
  • Will I move somewhere else?
  • Do I want to follow the weather and live in more than one place?
  • Do these locations allow me to fulfill my needs as well as my desires?

Now, here is what I and others consider the most influential question that is the key to a balanced, fulfilled and happy life…in addition to health and wellness:

Where is that place on Earth, where by the mere act of being present, you feel “in the moment?”

The Time of Your Life

Most of these questions are very personal to you and your spouse. You are the world’s expert on creating the answers. Be confident in your ability to choose your way, on your time.

Well earned, well deserved.

My best wishes to you and your family!

PS: By the way, do you want to learn more from me about how to get the most out of your life now and begin to prepare for your End of Career Transition as well as the next great phase of your life? I would like to help you. I provide consulting and coaching services that are tailored to your specific needs. Click here to apply for a complimentary consultation.

Mt. Moran and Oxbow Bend

Grand Teton National Park - 2008


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