On Resilience and Endurance

Oct 24, 2020

Expressions of Evolving Water

Midway Geyser Basin & Firehole River, Yellowstone N. P., 2004

Change and Its Challenges Are a Perpetual Constant of Life.

When the topic of human resilience comes up in writing or conversation, it is natural to think about strength, toughness, adaptability, flexibility, etc. These attributes are commonly associated with the character of an individual and their characteristic responses to significant challenges. Perhaps throughout their lifetime.

I find that major trials, trauma and perhaps tragedies certainly elicit human resilience born of urgency and at times, the need to survive.

Resilience and Endurance

I believe there is a subtle human quality that is the companion to resilience. The kind that is not necessarily evident in a person’s response to occasional crises. That attribute is endurance.

While resilience is a manifestation of flexibility, the ability to “bounce back,” endurance is the will to persist toward a goal. In a sense, it is a form of resilience. One that is applied in small, silent ways, in the course of our lives.

It is a valuable attribute that serves as an antidote to distraction from the endemic cacophony of noise in our culture that is devoid of meaning. It is supported by a sense of purpose and the exercise of discipline applied to the pursuit of a noble goal.

When I think of endurance, I think of applying one’s will to the achievement of something truly worthwhile. It may be visible at a time of crisis. But it is more commonly witnessed, if you observe closely, to daily effort directed to a specific goal over a prolonged period of time. Indeed, sometimes throughout a person’s lifetime.

I think of the fullback who consistently forges ahead despite great opposition. Great champions are not discouraged by being stopped inches from a first down or touchdown. They know that their resilience, endurance and desire to win, will bring the next achievement.

The Source Resides Within

The question I now raise is: what is the source of resilience and endurance?

I firmly believe the source is two sets of attributes that exist in parallel. Each of us has the ability to identify, value and sustain them.

They reflect a strong sense of identity, meaning and the ability to express them in noble, grand goals, particularly in the service of others.

The First Set

This is comprised of your answer to three questions;

Who. Why. What. TM ?

To know Who you are is to know your character.  That knowledge is consummated by adhering to the words of William Shakespeare as he advised in Hamlet, “To thine own self be true.”

The clarity of Who you are gives rise to knowing your purpose, your Why in life…and to live it with enduring conviction.

Your clarity and conviction will naturally lead you to find the way to express it, your What in life.

With that in mind, I observe that those who are very clear and committed to their Who and Why, are usually individuals who manifest more than one What.  They are not defined by What they do. Rather, they express themselves in various ways that serve their sphere of influence as they realize their potential.

The Second Set

Whereas the above are philosophical, I think of these as practical, operational expressions of the first three principles:

Clarity. Conviction. Courage. TM

To express it more fully, I mean:

Clarity of Identity. Conviction of Purpose. Courage to express it.

Beliefs and Actions That Serve Others and You

I know that each us have been endowed with gifts that when developed to their natural, full expression, form a key element of realizing our potential. It is a paradox that our potential is never really fulfilled, for as we develop, we grow. That expands our potential even more.

I ask you to look within you, listen and hear your inner voice. Seek to develop these principles and allow them to serve you and others.

Beyond that, bring this awareness to your spouse and children, that someday, they may teach your grandchildren. If your “kids” are now adults, teach by example. It is both enlightening and amazing that their “internal recorders” are really constantly in record mode, even if you do not realize it.

This is how great families, communities, states and your Nation will thrive and endure.

My best wishes to you and your family!

PS: Would you like to learn more from me about how to develop your personal and professional skills? To help you, I provide consulting and coaching services tailored to your specific needs. Click here to learn more about this.

Nature in Transition, Aspens & Mt. Moran. Grand Teton N. P., 2008.

© Enrique Fernandez, M. D.



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