The Essence of Nature That is Essential to You

Aug 14, 2021

Immersed in Nature

Henry’s Fork, Snake River. Idaho - 2021

Nature Nurtures Our Natural State of Tranquility, Creativity and Well-being

The natural state of Nature, with uncommon exception, is tranquility. The kind of tranquility that invites and allows you to be easily connected with yourself, especially when you are alone. 

How often do you have that experience?

In the course of your daily life, it may be uncommon as it is for many. Yet, uncommon does not mean unnecessary. It is an essential experience of our very nature throughout our lives.

Some might think that it requires a far away place, a grand location that is not conveniently accessible. While such places are dear to our dreams and hopefully provide meaningful memories, they are not essential to achieve what Nature can offer you. 

The reality is that what is really beneficial to you is no further than your balcony, backyard or nearby park. 

To Live the Moment

It is my experience and that of others with whom I consult and coach, that regardless of where that special place is that you feel “in the moment,” the important thing is to live it.

To bring this idea to reality, it is necessary to prioritize and create the time to “catch your breath.”  To banish the chatter and clutter that is so much a part of the “modern” world. To clear your mind in order make make room for an easy awareness of yourself and your peaceful surroundings.

It is a curious paradox that to be creative, you must be calm. That is, bursts of inspiration arise from the kind of tranquility that allows your mind to wonder into realms of peaceful creativity.

When is a Good Time?

I believe that this practice is beneficial throughout your life. Some may think that the best and most practical time to do this is once they end their career…when “I have the time.” That is certainly a perspective but it is not the optimal practice.

The best time to make the time for yourself is precisely long before you end your career. It is particularly necessary as you create and execute your End of Career Transition Plan as well as your Post Career Lifestyle Plan. 

These plans represent key elements of the blueprint for ending your career and how you will live your life thereafter. They should be created years in advance of your anticipated end date.

Good Practices and Sound Planning

The disciplines of tranquil creativity and deliberate planning provide a powerful means for you to create an extraordinary life for yourself and your loved ones…not only now but after your End of Career.

It is in your best interest to plan your life and actually bring your vision to a splendid reality. The alternative is that the unpredictable meanderings of life may be your experience.

Your Time, Your Moment

When you contemplate and plan for your End of Career, that is the moment when tranquil time has a special benefit to you. It is the time to feel proper pride for your past accomplishments and remember fond memories that tell their stories. It is also the time to allow yourself to dream about your future lifestyle. I encourage you to do so within Nature.

Nature is the ideal environment that offers much to so many. The place that asks nothing of you except to preserve it. Yet, it gives so much to those that experience it.

May you enjoy Nature and yourself as you are within it! The benefits of that experience will add significantly to your well-being and ongoing personal development…even after your End of Career.

PS: By the way, do you want to learn more from me about how to create and experience a fulfilling End of Career Transition and life beyond? I would like to help you. I provide consulting services that are tailored to your specific needs. Click here to apply for a complimentary consultation.

Enrique in the Moment

Henry’s Fork, Snake River, Idaho - 2021


How to Nourish Your Creativity, Create Your Vision and Optimize Your Potential


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How to Nourish Your Creativity, Create Your Vision and Optimize Your Potential